Makers + Mavericks 2024: A.I.
Each year we compile a list of the one hundred+ makers and mavericks that got us to utter the words ‘I wish I had done that, made that, invented that, thought like that, changed that’.
Below is one of the many subject we cover in the list. Have a quick read of the A.I. chapter below. Don't forget to read the full list here.
Human-like AI Granny, answering fraudsters’ calls in real time, keeping them on the phone and away from customers for as long as possible.
Virtually Parkinson.
A.I. Replica Chatshow.
New guests are about to be questioned by an exact vocal replica of Sir Michael Parkinson. The first podcast to be entirely presented by an AI host.

Needs to be seen to be believed. OpenAI’s video generation model. Turning your text prompts into mind-blowing movies.